the rise of we // The Phoenix Soul: Revolution
Whispered secrets.
Courage rising.
You are . . . I am . . .
we are
the next Revolution.
Phoenix souls, I don't think I've ever been THIS nervous on a launch day--yet deeply calm. There's a fire in me. A smoldering clarity.
Our new issue, Revolution, is brave. Bold. Writing "My Story" made my palms sweat, my heart gallop, my eyes scald with tears. Something had to be said.
“I want to throw my cowardly fears out the window, risk saying the wrong thing instead of saying nothing at all. I want to show up imperfectly, with willingness to learn and shift and shed my fear for the fierce phoenix rise of truth.”
When I scrawled Revolution on our theme calendar last year, I had no idea the wild journey to come. The doubt and questioning that would choke me, then crack me open. The blazing conviction that would, at last, rise.
“My seeking is overripe, over-
done, so I feast on this lack
of answers, juice dripping down
my chin, and I am nourished. I
feel my bones grow whole again . . . ”
I am fiercely proud of this issue, this gathering of heart-on-our-sleevers, truth-speakers, love-believers.
And oh phoenix, I can't wait for you to join the conversation, to step into this talking circle where we share our deepest secrets and desires for change; our heart-howls, our joy-songs.
“I am often so heartbroken myself that focusing on healing is always my only option. Everywhere I go, people heal me, with such generous hearts, especially in those places that are supposedly devoid of material riches. [...] I am so profoundly grateful for the surprise of human connection, over and over again . . .”
“Doubt will hold us back no longer. Fear has no platform here. We, phoenix tribe, are held, lifted, sizzling with righteous indignation. We bare our truths, even/especially when they make us shake. We listen (intently, fiercely, with deep respect) to the Voices of Us.”
Gentle warrior, rebel heart, I hope you will join the rise of we. The revolution of you + me + we, in this aching/healing world we love. A celebration. An anthem of rising courage.
Step into Revolution: 60 boldly colorful, brave pages (instant PDF), featuring tough & tender essays, intimate interviews, heartthumping poetry, luscious artwork, soul-stirring creative prompts, & more (all for only $6).
We are the next revolution,
We love your rebel heart. Your misfit dreams. Your radiant phoenix soul.
Just as you are.
with love & respect,
(creator & editor)