"May you feel wildly
loved . . .
just as you are."
You know how much I adore our staff contributor Beth Morey, right? She's passionate, brave, and loves sinking her teeth into life's hard questions. I'm delighted to join her roster of guest writers, filling in as she savors time with her family's newest addition (baby Eamon! Congrats, Beth).
C'mon over and read the whole blessing, okay? I love your rebel heart & know she sometimes needs a little extra encouragement (mine sure does).
In other news, I recently added a new free offering to our gifts section. Our current issue of TPS, Serendipity, has me seeking a lighter grasp: letting expectation slide through my fingers, and inviting holy surprise to settle around me instead.
This was especially vital recently in pursuit of a TOP SECRET PROJECT (I can't wait to tell you! I've been hinting on Instagram for months now. I fiiinally get to spill the beans soon. Keep an eye out here for an announcement on August 19). Everything that could go wrong was going wrong. Tech glitches galore. I was so frustrated and spooked--how could I achieve what I needed to achieve?
Ahhh, then Serendipity reminded me:
““Joyfully stray from The Plan: allow the unexpected. Invite aha moments. Tune out fear, tune in faith. Call on your trusted guides. Delight in your own discovery.””
With that in mind, I was able to relax, opening my eyes to surprising serendipity: simple solutions right in front of me, even better than I'd originally planned. I was able to complete my work with joy (one of the most fun and in-flow creation days I've had in ages). Can't wait to show you what I've been working on!
In the meantime, enjoy this free printable, celebrating the idea of allowing holy surprise to settle around us.
And lastly . . . oh, friends, I've been completely captivated by the creation of tomorrow's new release: our REVOLUTION issue. Here's a note from me on Instagram:
“Revolution rising. 🔥 8/15/15 🔥 Our 46th issue since inception; 8th as The Phoenix Soul. Rebirthing this magazine from Sprout to The Phoenix Soul was scary; how could I risk it all after 3 years of blood-sweat-and-tears, building this dream out of thin air? But after 2014 cracked me open in all the most raw ways, something had to be done. I was reborn after loss and grief; the magazine had to follow. And you know, I never expected the blessing to come. I was proud of Sprout, but this new incarnation? The Phoenix Soul is vulnerable, tender, tough, real—a sanctuary for our whispered secrets & rising courage. And this upcoming issue . . . Revolution . . . I am in awe of us, the power of you + me + we. We are the next Revolution. I can’t wait to show you. ”
This issue has my heart in my throat. We aren't afraid to go there--or we're afraid but no longer letting fear stop us. I'm breathless with the bravery in these pages: some of our fiercest, most vulnerable, passionate stories and offerings yet. I'm in the throes of a vulnerability hangover and we haven't even released yet!
If you subscribe today, you'll be one of the first to receive your copy. You + me + we are the revolution, phoenix souls. And I'm so glad you're with us.
See you tomorrow!
love & awe,