The Phoenix Soul. We are truth-speakers, heart-on-our-sleevers, love-believers. You are. I am. We are The Phoenix Soul (indie digital magazine & community).
“All over the world, in our neighborhoods just as much as in far flung places, people are living out incredible stories waiting to be heard and held by a gentle heart. I hope you will find those stories and ingest them like the most healing medicine and understand in the process that we need each other more than we realize . . .”
Doubt will hold us back no longer. Fear has no platform here. We, phoenix, dare to speak out: to bumble and fumble and say wrong things in the pursuit of what is right. We unmask, demolish our defenses, let arrows of love pierce our already-leaking hearts. We bare our truths, even/especially when they make us shake. We listen (intently, fiercely, with deep respect) to the Voices of Us.
“Listen to me now . . . for so long you have cherished pacifist ideals, uncomfortable with even the language of war, dominance, violence. But Dear One, the time has come for you to acknowledge and embrace your own warrior’s heart.”
“I needed that struggle, to shed, to overcome, to carve my life with my bare hands, from the rubble of who I became after I left that treacherous land. [...] There is no other thing knocking or calling or screaming, but my pen, my hand, my heart, my endless & personal revolution.”
“. . . I feel the weight and signs of the times too deeply in my marrow. I hear them echoing in my soul chamber. But right now my face is turned to the wall and my lips are moving, vocalizing all that’s broiling within me quietly or loudly as I let the anger out to keep from being consumed by it. Right now my hands are seeping into paint and letting fragmented thoughts and emotions communicate on canvas raw and uninhibited . . . ”
“I want to be open. I want to expand the circle. I want to throw my cowardly fears out the window, risk saying the wrong thing instead of saying nothing at all. I want to show up imperfectly, with willingness to learn and shift and shed my fear for the fierce phoenix rise of truth.”
“I don’t want desperation to be the catalyst for my courage this time. I’m praying about this now. Despite my fears, I have faith that when I stop seeing my service so small, life will hand me opportunities to express the love.”