stand where you are :: free printable artwork
What if the answer to discontent, restlessness, and/or weariness of spirit is not to escape . . .
but to sink your bare toes into wild earth? To feel sun on your upturned face? To let breeze kiss your cheek?
“Presence. Gratitude. Paying attention to the small and big of life, every bite of nourishment, every song of joy, every heartache turning toward healing. This is me, coming back to life.”
““I know it’s important that I pause
in the middle of the almost-spring day
to stand inside the arms
of this holy flowering tree—that I let eyes
and heart and heavy inside parts be awed
and opened
by budding, blossoming pink . . .”
Many of us--we phoenix souls--flock to Mary Oliver for nourishment, inspiration, restoration. I recently discovered a new-to-me gem that made my heart gallop.
I used these glorious words to create a gift for my sweet mama on Mother's Day, stamping and hand-lettering on one of my watercolored backgrounds (one of many created for our magazine's pages).
After delivering the original to my mom (you know her! Our beloved Bitter & Beautiful columnist), I knew I wanted to create a printable for myself to keep. Then, of course, I realized you might love it, too!
“I just bought this month’s issue (my very first Phoenix Soul!!) and your opening note brought me to tears. I NEED this. All of it. I cannot wait to dive into the words and the images and open my heart and life to the wild joy that is deep inside. I have no idea what took me so long to order. THANK YOU for this work you do.”
Kindred, you deserve to feel wild joy. Deep renewal. Soul-deep care. Come walk barefoot through the vibrant pages of Vitality. Let us tend to your tired places.
EnJOY, my friend. May we all be in-joy today.
with love & gratitude,