morning meditation
This morning I slipped outside, camera in hand, and let myself pay attention for ten minutes: to view the world with eyes wide open, every shutterclick a prayer of thanks.
Last night's rain collected on upturned petals.
Shockingly green leaves unfurling, insisting toward sun.
Clouds shaping, shifting, breathing past.
The moment slips my grasp,
but peace remains.
What happens when we pay attention to life's tiny miracles?
What will we find?
“Help me understand the best is yet to come
Take me by the hand before I come undone
Cause all this emptiness has left me feeling numb
But it’s darkest right before the sun
Now I’ve let moments pass me by
but I refuse to leave my life to
fall between the cracks of my control
I was outspoken until I broken open
all the chains that were imprisoning my soul
Help me understand
the best is yet to come . . . ”
your best is yet to come.
Let's refuse to let life
pass us by.
Maybe your best
is right here,
waiting for you.
love & awe,
(your fellow phoenix)