soul sparks :: bits of inspiration to spark your phoenix soul
What sparks your soul?
You deserve to surround and support yourself with whatever helps your soul-fire burn bright. The world needs your light, phoenix.
// on my bookshelf:
- The Precious One, by Marisa de los Santos. One of my favorite authors. Her characters feel like trusted tribe--fellow phoenix souls who crash, tumble, burn to ash, and rise again in strength. They fumble toward forgiveness, finding messy grace in imperfect but heartfelt connections. I enjoy her novels, but more than that, I learn from them--how I want to live. How I want to love.
“Who knows what I would tell him next? I used to be able to predict what I would do, but those days were over. Now, I surprised myself all the time.”
“We were bruised in the same places, but we were also flowery and hopeful eyed, as though everything we’d said to each other had pared us down to the little girls that lay inside us still, just under the surface.”
// in my ear buds:
- "Stepping Stone," by The Good Mad
- "Message from Your Heart," by Kina Grannis
“This is a message from your heart
Your most devoted body part
Taking blood and making art”
// offerings by TPS staff:
- Beth Morey's luscious Poetry Is e-course is open for registration again! Described as "a rollicking adventure in wordplay + self-discovery," this course explores poetry from all angles, asking, "What if poetry could be silly / sacred / informative / cathartic / playful / approachable . . .?" If you love Beth's poetry in The Phoenix Soul, you'll adore this joyful guide to crafting bold work of your own. Plus, I'm honored to be interviewed as a guest poet! Click here or on the image below, then navigate to Classes + Tools to find Poetry Is.
What's been sparking your soul lately, phoenix? Share with us in the comments!
with love & deep respect,
* This post contains affiliate links. Thanks for supporting indie creatives! I only recommend courses and products I wholeheartedly believe in.