listen deeply — The Phoenix Soul - writing, art journaling, poetry, art mail

listen deeply

Love, what is your soul
whispering (screaming)
begging you to hear?

in order to heal, i’m learning i have to be still, honoring the healing space of fatigue. that she can help to soften the edges of things. to allow my body the space to heal completely, there must be an awakening to fatigue as a friend to walk alongside rather than a foe to defeat.
— suzanne l. vinson, "A Story About My Birth," TPS: REBORN
What if being reborn is living in a state of Grace? Shedding away the shame of doing nothing more than enjoying afternoon naps, strolling down a nature path, or simply gazing at the stars. To live comfortably and at ease ...
— Teresa Robinson, Evolutions column, TPS: REBORN


You, in your corner of things—wherever you are—know that the process of being Reborn comes in Rich Layers—like Earth + Soil + Sky + Sun. There is the floating, the freefall, the descent into the dark—and then The Search for Soul-Nourishing-Light.
— Carissa Paige, "The Weed that Became a Tree," TPS: REBORN
Once I allowed enough humility to hear my soul—without arguing—the answer was so clear, so obvious, that I had to laugh. Validation emerged everywhere, even in the mysterious scrap of art-journal refuse sticking to my desk: stubbornly. Oh, how stubborn I’d been, clinging to ways of life I’d already known were outgrown.
— Amanda Fall, My Story, TPS: REBORN

what is your soul
telling you?

Will you listen today?

with love & respect,

what if you could :: KEEP TRUE

what if you could :: KEEP TRUE

come back to vibrant life // The Phoenix Soul: REBORN

come back to vibrant life // The Phoenix Soul: REBORN


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