The Phoenix Soul. We are truth-speakers, heart-on-our-sleevers, love-believers. You are. I am. We are The Phoenix Soul (indie digital magazine & community).
“Show life that you are IN and life will show up for you. Never give up; your life is of value and your gifts and presence are needed in this world.”
This moment (every moment) is pregnant with potential. Unlimited possibility. Fresh life. Will you choose to come awake, to fully live, to shed the weights that keep your phoenix wings dragging in the dust? Will you embrace all that en-light-ens you, lifts you, sparks your radiant soul? Will you be reborn--here, now? Again and again?
“What lies ahead? I don’t know. But wherever Grace leads, this new Me is ready to go.”
“i choose to be fully alive—to live well among others where they are—where i am—with openness and acceptance. [...] through the tribe that encircles me, i am born again, blessed and whole.”
1. Amanda Fall. 2. Stephanie Gagos, TC Larson, Felicia Mitchell, Brandi Reynolds. 3. Maureen Helms Blake, De Jackson, Julia Fehrenbacher, suzanne l. vinson. 4. Beth Morey, Teresa Robinson, Carissa Paige, Laurie Blackwell.
“What if being reborn is living in a state of Grace? Shedding away the shame . . . ”
“Grief stories once cracked me open, revealed the phoenix soul within. Now I’m ready, aching for the next cycle, the next shed and re-wing. I’m ready for joy stories to unite us, too, the vulnerability of laughing until we weep and gasp, joy as visceral as loss, our bodies singing with life.”
“I unlocked
my body, and it was a mystery
how I breathed shackled
for so long”
“There is no need for protection
Against what I was born to do”
“Trust Yourself Completely.”