save yourself // The Phoenix Soul: Comfort
what does your soul crave?
Not false and fleeting comfort. Not what everyone else thinks is right for you, or the scraps that you once thought were all you deserved.
What are your depths crying out for, in the sleepless haze of four a.m. when all is still but the beating of your heart?
We phoenix souls are masters of caring for our loved ones: we are compassionate souls in action, ready to save the world. But who will save us?
Phoenix, it's time we save ourselves. It's time we cozy up to our own souls, believing we are worthy of love and care, too--the same rich comfort we so easily extend to others.
“The search for true comfort hasn’t always been easy or natural. For those of us with much-to-shed into the fires, it can feel bare & cold & frightening to make our own authentic steps toward what feels right to us & us alone. Finding that Sanctuary within can feel like war, like complete surrender with flags waving—I give. I give. Something’s gotta. I will lay down various weapons of resistance, & surrender myself over & over...”
Something's gotta give.
Dear one, it's long past time to care for yourself. To allow yourself to be comforted. To accept and allow love from yourself and your trusted tribe. You are worthy. Exactly as you are (yes, in your richly complex mess of a being).
Will you join us?
“Find the joy. Not as an excuse to turn
away from difficulty, but as a key to
traveling more soul-fully through the
ache. To leaning toward the light of
hope, right here in this moment. To
lasting comfort. This refrain is reawakening me, gently pointing out the areas of home and heart
I’ve let go to dust...”
The Phoenix Soul: Comfort is warm, inviting, and full of life. We seek true comfort together, in these sixty vibrant pages (instant PDF download, only $6). Heartpounding art. Gaspworthy poetry. Brave essays. Intimate interviews. All we're missing? YOU!
Come in, kindred. Come in.
Find your soul-medicine with us.
with much love,
your fellow phoenix
PS: Super exciting news in addition to our new issue release! I'll be writing a blog post about this soon, but in the meantime, I can't help but whisper: I'm featured today in a 21 Secrets Conversation with Connie Solera. It's honestly one of my proudest moments in recent history, digging deep into vulnerability and authenticity. And it's totally free to listen. (Yes, this one's audio--I know, right?!)