The Phoenix Soul. We are truth-speakers, heart-on-our-sleevers, love-believers. You are. I am. We are The Phoenix Soul (indie digital magazine & community).
“For everyone who is struggling [...] I would ask them to let the tears flow. Let them come in wild torrents, or in gentle streams, but let them come through. There is great release in them, for things held deep within. And I would softly say, “Be gentle with yourself.””
Phoenix, what does your soul crave? Not false and fleeting comfort. Not what everyone else thinks is right for you, or the scraps that you once thought were all you deserved. What are your depths crying out for, in the sleepless haze of four a.m. when all is still but the beating of your heart? What will heal your hidden aches? What will expand your joy? This issue is soul-medicine, a healing balm designed to discover and explore YOUR unique rescues: what sings your soul back to whole.
“I tune the ukulele, fingers finding their way a little more surely now, tips callousing and my heart rousing. A simple tune calls me back home to my self, to comfort true and new.”
1. Amanda Fall, Sandi Pike Foundas. 2. Laurie Blackwell, Hannah Marshall, A.J. Huffman, Jonny Rodgers. 3. Ruth Sabath Rosenthal, Maureen Helms Blake, De Jackson, suzanne l. vinson. 4. Julia Fehrenbacher, Beth Morey, Teresa Robinson, Carissa Paige.
“too often i know what i most need to care for my sacred soul, only to let that be what i give myself last.”
“Comfort as a state of ease and freedom is something I resist. My latest evolution to embrace comfort with regard to work and home began as a series of reluctant yeses and a list of concessions as I moved to a more realistic pace, as I began to accept what I could not change.”
“The search for true comfort hasn’t always been easy or natural. For those of us with much-to-shed into the fires, it can feel bare & cold & frightening to make our own authentic steps toward what feels RIGHT to us & us alone. Finding that Sanctuary within can feel like war, like complete surrender with flags waving—I give. I give. Something’s gotta.”