unleash your lion-heart // The Phoenix Soul: BRAVE
I see you, brave phoenix soul.
The one who dares to be who she was born to be, even/especially when that looks nothing like what is expected.
The one who raises her trembling voice for the side of good, even/especially when she gets the words all stumbled and wrong but her intention burns clear and true.
The one who is love in action, even/especially when she is overwhelmed with ache and unknowing.
The one who takes one tiny step at a time toward her truest life, even/especially when fear rumbles in her belly.
The one who unleashes her great lion-heart, even/especially when she thinks she is anything but brave.
I see you.
You are stronger than you know.
You are a force for good.
You are a gentle/strong revolutionary.
You are a warrior of truth and love.
And you,
are BRAVE.
Love, I curated our new issue, The Phoenix Soul: BRAVE, in honor of you. Of me. Of we. Even/especially if you feel anything but brave. It's time to write a new definition, one based on your own inner lion-heart instead of tired comparisons. You are the only YOU in this world . . . and we need you! This issue will support, encourage, and uplift you, helping you live your most vibrant, authentic, soul-full existence.
“Bravery rises in my gut like a scream, a song, a soft opening where everything yet is possible. ”
“And you are so, so much stronger than you think, darling. I promise you. There’s power there, so long as you reach out for it, in thriving despite all life has thrown at you.”
You amaze me, brave phoenix soul. Just as you are.
with so much love
& respect,
(your fellow phoenix)