The Phoenix Soul. We are truth-speakers, heart-on-our-sleevers, love-believers. You are. I am. We are The Phoenix Soul (indie digital magazine & community).
What does bravery look like in your life? What's your personal definition, the one fluttering beneath your breastbone like a wild bird? What answer rises in your gut?
I know what you might be thinking: "But I'm not brave." In fact, many of our contributors in this issue said the same thing (even me!). But oh, friend, that's starting from the wrong perspective. We need to look inward at our own truth, rather than outward at another's expression. We are brave, each in our own way.
Kindred, it's time to honor your own everyday bravery. Simply to live with your heart and soul wide open, to embrace this aching healing grieving celebrating world -- and to love it all -- this, phoenix, is so brave.
“It may seem like you’re in a dark pit and are desperate for sunlight, but it won’t be like that forever. Things can and will get better. And I say that as someone who was as low as you can get while still alive . . .”
It's time to allow trembling faith to sing above fear. It's time to raise our brave voices, even/especially when they shake. It's time to begin our gentle/bold revolution. We phoenix are most powerful and strong when we tap into our truest selves: our own brand of brave, no matter how different it may look from anyone else. We are needed in this world . . . exactly as we are.
Step into the circle, where we celebrate both our brave individuality and our identity as a soul-family. We honor our everyday acts of courage, tiny steps taken even as fear flutters under faith. And our leaps of power, when our lion-hearts roar strong and true. What do you need to be your bravest self? Find out with us in The Phoenix Soul: BRAVE.
“are you brave
enough to live open
in this world
of beauty and disaster?”
“I scribble, scrawl, allow my hands to shake and feel. Charcoal is an ache unwinding from my gut. Orange paint is power, is life, is me rebirthing. Magenta is my heart, the pulse of me, the yes of me. Aqua is the truth, unburying. Gold is the worth I have diminished, disbelieved. [...] The warrior woman emerging beneath my dancing fingers is half crone, half starry-eyed child. This is unplanned; pure feeling. I am young and I am old. I am timid and I am bold. ”
1. Amanda Fall, Samantha Kira Harding. 2. Summyr who is michelle bernard, Kim Malinowski, Sandy Coomer, Barbara Ruth. 3. Magdalena Ball, Maureen Helms Blake, De Jackson, Julia Fehrenbacher. 4. suzanne l. vinson, Beth Morey, Carissa Paige, Laurie Blackwell.
“. . . my heart and soul sing with the headiness of being brave enough to believe in the goodness of life. In hope after despair. In the power of dreams to carry us through darkness back into the light. I have found my way to a life gently ripe with promise.”
“A year ago, I was what you’d call a small mess. Now, I know nothing has to end if I can allow it to change. I’ve changed. I’m not editing myself . . .”
“she will not be quiet
will not water down
words so you
can be more comfortable. She will not
let you dim the fire
from her eyes, the tiger
from her blood.”
“your love embraces the parts of me that feel unloved, unlovable, and unwanted. you remind me of my true Being and i carry the heart of hope within. i am the light because you gave me the light. i am a creator of hope, story, and light. i am the heart of your heart. i am the bird who sings a song of hope, who ripples calm and creativity, truth and peace. i am good because you made me good.”