The Phoenix Soul. We are raw & real. Grit & grace. We are truth-speakers, heart-on-our-sleevers, love-believers. You are. I am. We are The Phoenix Soul.
Now, what will we invite into the holy hush of lives made new, born of phoenix flame?
“Leap Fearlessly! The time is now. Dreams, they don’t just go away. For some reason, when I became a mother I thought I had to give up on my dreams until this season was over. [...] Here’s the thing—all we have is this moment.”
“Seeing with new eyes can be scary. Unsettling. But how else do (im)possible dreams become possible, if we don’t invite the wild unknown?”
“i believe i often feel unworthy of your full attention, of my full attention. as i move from the last season of refinement, stirring the fire within, i am filled with a soul gypsy confidence. i may not understand why or how or when she will fully emerge, and that is okay. i lean into mystery and am glad to be here. {yes. here. this.}”
Oh, phoenix soul, may you feel seen. Heard. Loved. Just as you are.
“I see that we’re all dying for a safe place to be who we are without fear or judgment. To see and be seen. I see that we aren’t meant to do this alone, that we really need one another to keep moving forward.”