The Phoenix Soul. We are truth-speakers, heart-on-our-sleevers, love-believers. You are. I am. We are The Phoenix Soul (indie digital magazine & community).
We can be scared and brave at the same time. We can be foolish and wise. We can grieve and celebrate at once. True wisdom comes when we honor and allow the all of us, even/especially the parts we are taught to hide. Every experience shapes us.
Phoenix, it's time to trust your inner knowing: the deep-down of you.
“. . . I couldn’t change anything in my life, in my Self, until I was willing to own it, all of it. I have to take responsibility for every thought, feeling, and behavior in order to continue to step into the fullness of who I am.”
Wisdom isn't static; it's a pulsing, breathing, growing part of us. When we honor and allow the everything of us, even/especially the parts we once hid in shame or fear, we grow in wisdom. When we dare to ask the hard questions, we grow in wisdom. When we turn to trusted tribe (elders, peers, youth) and our soul-Source and listen with open mind, we grow in wisdom. When we trust ourselves enough to sift through well-meaning words and claim our own gut-knowing, we grow in wisdom. We become Sage.
Step into the circle, where we celebrate both our wise individuality and our identity as a soul-family. We honor our hard-won wisdom, lessons learned through both ache and joy. How can you connect and commune with your inner sage more deeply and more often? Find out with us in The Phoenix Soul: SAGE.
“Hold your breath and ask the
age-old questions, deep, of stars. We’ve
all got secrets, places we’re pinpricked
and scarred, places where the light shines
through and changes things . . .”
“I skim-read journal entries from years past, startle at similarities of thought: declarations of desire for courage, for expansion of self and soul into a world so much bigger than fear would have me believe. I am proud, now, that I am choosing to step forward into newness even as old doubt still exists: no longer will I shut down, wait for change.””
1. Amanda Fall, Jennifer Albin. 2. Sarah Bigham, Neha Srivastava, Jenna Whittaker. 3. Courtney LeBlanc, Maureen Helms Blake, De Jackson, Julia Fehrenbacher. 4. suzanne l. vinson, Beth Morey, Carissa Paige, Laurie Blackwell.
“Her phoenix song begins here.
It is a song of love rising, feathered, from ash,
gritty and fierce.
It is a song of fire—
the dark soil of cinder and soot
bursting, roaring to light.”
“Baba’s next posting was south of the Deccan Plateau. We wore ties, belts, and polyester tunics, and sat all day in the stifling heat of the local classroom. The teachers strode around the corridors swishing three-foot-long canes, a proceeding my six-year-old classmates seemed to accept with complete equanimity . . .”
“challenge yourself to release too-tight opinions, worn-out definitions, limited labels you have long held as truth. fear not the shaking-loose, the stretching-out, the phoenix burn & rise of your understanding. turn to your Source for clarity. carry forward the wisdom of your elders, not their wounds.”