The Phoenix Soul. We are truth-speakers, heart-on-our-sleevers, love-believers. You are. I am. We are The Phoenix Soul (indie digital magazine & community).
“I think true, healing storytelling is all about vulnerability, and all too often, we hide behind one façade or another when we share about our lives. [...] Much of my motivation in digging so deep for truth and healing is so that I can come out into the world whole and restored and ready to love well.”
Often, we are weighed down by chains of the past. We drag with us legends told and retold; bloodlines both sour and sweet. Perhaps we feel we can never live up to examples of tremendous strength and courage. Or perhaps we ache to escape, to forge our own path when it feels as if our future were written before we took our first steps. But a liberating revelation awaits: you are your own hero, starting today.
You are free to choose what wisdom to carry with you, what stories and talismans of truth to tuck in your pocket. And you are free, phoenix, to disentangle yourself, to break the chains of your past (or present), and begin anew. Here. Now.
“I yearn to be a woman who chooses love and kindness above all else. Who heals her own wounds so she can evoke healing in the world. A woman who believes in her own worth.”
“we hold safe space for one another in these tender, mending moments. and we carry those moments in our pockets because we’re forever mending ourselves along the way. our stories are healing balm for one another, teaching us all the way to our toes that we are not alone.”
“Breaking down ancient chains can be tough, but you’re fierce & stronger than you realize, Phoenix One. [...] I envied those who inherited some semblance of a normal-healthy ancestry. If there is such a thing. It took a good deal of effort to bury my ancient aches & resentment. Then one day as I took a sharp right turn in my old beloved beat up car, something shifted [...] A sharp realization took hold—what I’ve been given to work with IS my inheritance.”
“We kept our hearts pliable and open, making ourselves vulnerable even when those we held close abused our trust. She never shut out an opportunity to love. And in her honor, I do the same.”