Special note: Sprout online magazine has been reborn as The Phoenix Soul. We are raw & real. Grit & grace. We are truth-speakers, heart-on-our-sleevers, love-believers. You are. I am. We are The Phoenix Soul.
“For me, being in alignment requires a constant willingness to stay in the current, which is always changing. What we do today may not look just like what we’ll do tomorrow. [. . .] It’s loving the Mystery of the Unknown over the security of the known which keeps us in flow . . .”
“I dropped down to the earth, teary & goosebumpy, & immediately heard a little voice whisper, “This is an invitation to cross, an invitation to come home.””
“She is not a verdict to be handed down by others’ judgments. Her worthiness is not a question for the world to answer. Love wrote her life into being, and this love is the only thing she was meant to carry . . .”
Phoenix soul, may you feel seen. Heard. Loved. Just as you are.
“Our vulnerability is our power. We live true instead of living right. We embrace our releasing, our daily rebirth, our sacred transformation. We choose to begin again and again and again . . .”