I'm teaching: Wild Creative Journey
Creative expression saves my sanity and my life on a daily basis.
I’ve dealt with cycles of anxiety and depression off and on all through my life, and the past two years have been no exception as a new mama (including postpartum panic attacks and anxiety).
Art journaling in particular gives me a safe space to spill everything that’s weighing on my soul, and to find solace and stillness in every page.
Color sings my soul back to joy. I get my hands messy with paint, collage, oil pastel, and more. I scribble anxious thoughts and healing intentions. Even when I only have a few moments to turn to my art journal, I take a deep centering breath with each smear and splash of color. Creativity helps me breathe easier.
As you likely already know, I was thrilled to announce late last year that I’m a bonus teacher in Effy Wild’s year-long art course, Book of Days 2019. (You can still join us any time!) My bonus lesson in Book of Days explores my why for art journaling and how I squeeze all the good out of any time I have to create, even/especially when I only have five minutes free.
Well, I have even more good news! I’m absolutely honored and delighted to tell you that I’m also a full teacher/contributor in the upcoming eight-week course Wild Creative Journey, hosted by Shai B of Wild Sister. We start May 20 (eight weeks of course material, with a one-week break in the middle). My lesson will be one of the first up!
My lesson is called “As I Am: art journal affirmations for anxiety and depression.”
This topic is so near and dear to my heart, because art journaling has been essential for my emotional wellbeing, especially the past two years. I’m so honored to be able to draw from that experience and to invite you to craft your own art journal affirmations—words of love and encouragement you’ll be able to return to when you’re struggling. This class isn’t about bypassing our ache, but creating specific soul-medicine that speaks straight to our individual needs.
(And yes, of course we still encourage getting ALL the help you need, whether it be medication, therapy, and/or whatever works for you! Art journaling is a powerful tool to add to your self-care toolkit.)
There’s so much goodness waiting for us in this 8-week experience, and I’m thrilled to both teach and participate. With over 20 teachers, live sessions, art tutorials, live chats, interviews, talks on mental health, and more, this course is only $66 for lifetime access (with payment plans available).
“This isn’t your typical art class. This is a safe space and sisterhood where we also happen to create!
In Wild Creative Journey, you can show up on your hard days and we will hold space. We will art journal. We will talk about coping skills. We will be your soft place to land, amid watercolor splatters and spilled ink. You can also show up on your great days, and we will celebrate those, too!
Come create with us, exactly as you are and where you are. We see you. We hear you. We love you.”
You can read more and/or sign up here.
I hope to see you with us!
with love & excitement,
P.S. If you sign up using my affiliate links, I get a percentage, which helps keep me in art supplies and my kid in diapers! Thank you for supporting working artists!