What lights you up?
When do you feel most vibrantly alive, nourished, whole?
Stephanie Perkinson, holistic health and lifestyle coach for the bohemian at heart, wasn't always the glowing, healthy woman she is today. She once weighed over 200 pounds and felt "overwhelmed, tired, depressed, and not good enough (for anyone or anything)."
How directly do you think our emotional and physical wellbeing are tied to our feelings of self-worth?
I believe this idea of "good enough" (or not good enough) is pivotal in our everyday vitality. Are we worthy of care, of restoration, of soul-deep healing?
Stephanie was a perfect choice for the Vitality edition of our Truth Tribe interview. Her approach is honest, vulnerable, and personal. She's been through the fire herself, so when she tells of her transformation, we know we can trust her. She has lived her principles. When she says that life really can be vibrant, satisfying, and nourishing? We listen!
I asked Stephanie what tip she'd offer The Phoenix Soul readers who feel out of touch with their vitality and radiance.
Here's her response:
“Oooh! I like this question! Here is a favorite exercise of mine. Grab a pencil and some paper and make a list of all the things you are into, that light you on fire, that stir something inside of you. They don’t have to be connected.
For example, I might start my list like this: Backyard fire-pits. Soft linen t-shirts. His smile. Flowing, gauzy skirts. The softest color of blush and peach and grey. Wildflowers. The sound of seagulls. Soft, full thighs.”
What's on YOUR list?
There is no wrong answer. Don't be shy! You don't have to show anyone else your list if you don't want to. Scribble down anything that comes to mind and makes your heart beat faster (or soothes and calms you). Get specific.
My list might include Berry Blast hair color!
“Your list can be as big as you’d like. Keep going until you are empty. Then look it all over . . . how does the list make you feel? That something that you feel in your solar plexus, but can’t really describe? That’s your essence singing . . . the list is your essence in word form. Aim to have that feeling be your north star more often than not.”
Do you feel that tingle in your solar plexus when you look at your list?
How would your life change if you felt "your essence singing" every single day?
Consider keeping an ever-changing list, revisiting whenever you are tired, lost, lonely, confused, anxious. Create a surefire list of joy-bringers and soul-soothers, personalized just for you. See how fast you light up.
Phoenix soul, you are worthy.
You are (more than) good enough.
And you are so, so loved.
with gratitude & awe for you,
PS: Our Vitality issue is a love letter to your tired heart. Let us tend to you. Let us celebrate all things that make us feel wildly alive, nourished, whole. Reclaim your Vitality with us here.