How do you want to feel in 2016?
New Year's Eve, for me, can be a mixed bag: a time of great hope, possibility, yearning, regret, intention, weariness, excitement.
Nothing really changes as we open a fresh calendar. And yet. I love the soul-deep impulse to look within, to check the pulse of our lives and see where and how we are. What are we desperate to surrender, burn, release from our white-knuckle grip? What are we aching to embrace, cultivate, shine up until our phoenix souls are glowing?
I've been wrestling with so many thoughts and emotions it's hard to encapsulate them all. This year has bubbled over with grief and grace, with deep ache and wild joy. It's the year we became Phoenix, after all: a fiercely beautiful rising. But I've also come close to burnout.
One life-changing resource I've been turning to is Danielle LaPorte's Desire Map program.* I'll have many more words on this later, but for now, let me say that this soul-polishing process, this deep clarifying . . . it's blowing everything wide open. Wide. Open. Focusing on "goals with soul" makes all the difference, especially in this phoenix-soul life of intention, depth, meaning, passion, purpose.
My desire for you, for me, for we in 2016 on this Eve (and every day)?
That we live truer and more fully awake every moment, aligning and resonating with our soul's unique call. That we learn to love our whole journey, including the stumbling and bumbling bits. That we release any weights that keep us small, scared, and out of touch with our divine core. That we rise, winged and true.
Vibrant. Authentic. Soul-full.
Delicious changes coming to The Phoenix Soul magazine & community in 2016:
I've been quieter on social media lately as I peer closer and closer, sifting through ash to find what will truly spark our phoenix souls. I've felt a need for a shift for some time now, hints that there's a better and brighter way to support and uplift and spark us back to radiant life.
And oh, loves, I've found it. Or at least part of it, the first glimmer of phoenix rebirth. (I can't always fully know what comes next, because honoring that divine mystery is part of the package. We find ourselves in the journey, yeah?)
I've long heard whispers from you, as well: yearning for fresh phoenix options, for deeper kinship, for closer interaction and more connected exploration. I've been filling notebooks with wildly colorful and energetic scrawls of yes, yes, yes, here's what's coming next.
But I finally found the magic key. The space for ease and grace. The fairy dust that will make everything possible for us in 2016. The "OF COURSE!" answer, patiently waiting for me to be humble enough to receive it.
We are focusing our fire in 2016, creating six radiant issues of the magazine instead of our usual twelve.
(Our heartpounding themes will be: Reborn. Unique. Radiant. Brave. Sage. Beloved.)
Boom: clarity changes everything. Now there will be space, ease, and grace:
- to more deeply & fully savor each issue, instead of packing life-changing ideas into timing too tight and confined
- to explore together, connecting more intimately in a companion group
- to spark our souls in fresh ways including e-courses, a Society6 shop with tangible goods, soul-care packages (in "real" mail!), and more.
I'm so excited to clarify, refine, and stoke our phoenix fires better than ever before. We've already been through so much together . . . but now? I can't wait.
We are ready for this, phoenix. To claim our name. Our gentle power. Our radiance.
Thank you for being here, beautiful one. You amaze me.
so much love,
“I can’t wait to see what goodness you will be sharing! I love The Phoenix Soul, it is the best thing I discovered in 2015!”
PS: Love the way we're headed? Me, too! Subscribing to a year's worth of The Phoenix Soul is more affordable than ever. I'd love to see you step into our circle. The fire's warm. Come whisper secrets in our waiting ears, and we'll share ours. We'll find our shine, together.
* I'm a delighted affiliate of Danielle LaPorte's products. Her Firestarter Sessions lit me up before launching our magazine, and now The Desire Map is fanning our phoenix fire! If you use my link, I'll get a small affiliate percentage. Thanks!