The Phoenix Soul. We are truth-speakers, heart-on-our-sleevers, love-believers. You are. I am. We are The Phoenix Soul (indie digital magazine & community).
In this time of division, we will choose to rise together. To love and be loved as we are. To overthrow systems of hatred and exclusion. To create ripples of love in daily living, expanding from our inner worlds to the outer world.
To be love in action.
Phoenix, you are already more than worthy. Choose love with us.
“I have been through hell and back more than once on this crazy trip through life. If you feel like all is lost, if you’re caught up in self-hate, if you don’t fit in and don’t match up–know this: you are perfect, just as you are. And you are so very loved, my darling, more than you will ever know.”
We can't control what happens "out there," but we can always begin with "in here," the truth in the depths of our being. We have to love ourselves and see ourselves as intrinsically valuable before we can love the world from a strong and renewable source. We begin with love in the mirror, then move outward to our family, our neighborhood, our community, and our world, with true compassion and understanding. We ask: what world do we want to help create, moment by moment, breath by breath? How will we let our thoughts ripple outward to compassionate action? Are we living love? Are we being love? Are we letting ourselves be loved?
Step into the circle, where we celebrate both our individuality and our oneness as a soul-family. We honor our undeniable worth, even/especially when we feel lesser-than. How can you believe in and trust your inner belovedness with deeper conviction? Find out with us in The Phoenix Soul: BELOVED.
“When did we begin
to doubt our worth,
hide our songs,
shade our truth?”
“You do not need to feel beloved — you already are,
period, full stop, forever and always. There is
no “but” to follow, no exception or extenuating
circumstance. You are. You are.
You are.”
1. Amanda Fall, Kyeli Smith. 2. franciszka voeltz, Anab Roa, Dawn Claflin, Shawnta S. Barnes. 3. Christine Jackson, Maureen Helms Blake, De Jackson, Julia Fehrenbacher. 4. suzanne l. vinson, Beth Morey, Carissa Paige, Laurie Blackwell.
“if this poem could do anything right now, i’d will it to lasso the bullet back into the gun, to bind the severed flesh, to unclench the fist, to meld bone back to bone. i’d will this poem to ferry
you, beloveds, into safety.”
““Love your wild soul now.” This is my offering, my witness, my gift to myself in honor of this year’s turning. Because I used to hate myself, to hide the cares and quirks that piece together my being. And I will hide no more.”
“You forgive others so freely; forgive yourself. You open your heart to so many and care in such abundant ways; make space for rest. You are filled with such hope for the world; breathe in hope for yourself. When you fall, rise with grace. When you are afraid, breathe deeply. When your heart sings and dances with joy, stay with those feelings and drink them in. Close your eyes and KNOW you are SO VERY LOVED.”